A weighty Issue

21 03 2012

I’ve pretty much been up and down the same 5 lbs since Christmas.  I haven’t been eating well at all.  I’m about 12 lbs heavier then the end of last summer right now and I am not one bit happy about it.  I’m not obsessing about it or bashing my body, but I just realize that I have to do something about it.  The last few weeks, I’ve noticed that I’m putting more effort to maintain the same pace when running and I think it has a lot to do with these extra pounds.  Either way, it can’t hurt to clean up my eating a little.  I suspect that if I just cut out all the chocolate and beer I can lose about half of what I’ve gained in 2 weeks or less!  haha.  I wish I was joking but I was not joking when I said I have been eating like crap!

So it’s back to tracking what I’m eating, if nothing else, so I can be MINDFUL of what I am shovelling into my mouth.  I also need to work on making sure I eat an afternoon snack because otherwise I am dragging ass by the time my day is over and it’s time to get my workout on!

So that’s it.  That’s all I will say about it.



3 responses

21 03 2012

I’m in the exact same situation, but the more thought I put into what I eat causes me to become ultra-conscious and I end up eating worse.

Let me know if you find the secret to painless clean eats 🙂

21 03 2012
Health Coach Meg

Every day may not be easy, but the more you lose, the more you’ll be capable and the better you’ll feel. It’s a snowball effect. Good luck on your journey and follow my blog or contact me for advice. I am a health coach and would love to help!

23 03 2012

Crystal! I accidentally deleted your comment. I don’t weigh myself all the time. I dont’ know why I do it at all to be honest, but definitely if I feel like my clothes are getting tighter or whatnot, then I step on to see how things are going. I love the smoothies as well but I just find that I don’t have the time to do it before work, so I only eat them on the weekend. So far this week, it’s been much better. It’s as much as trying to make sure I eat enough at the right times as it is not doing it. A balancing act for sure.

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