Shifting Focus

21 10 2012

I am usually not a negative person, but throughout this injury, I have totally been a debbie downer, negative nancy or whatever you want to call it. 

I probably should have done this a long time ago, and I’m sure I have tried, but now I need to try harder.  I need to shift the focus of this injury and stop focusing on what I can’t do.  I need to start focusing on what I CAN do.

I was really sad about it snowing, not because I don’t like snow, but because I can’t ski.  I mean cross country skiing.  Yes, I only do classic… however, I’m really bad at it and I fall a lot.  So until I am fully healed, I don’t think it is a good idea to hit the trails.  Then I had an “aha” moment!  I CAN snowshoe!  It’s low impact and it is an awesome workout for the glutes, which is one of the weak areas I am working on with my physio.  Also, I don’t fall often.  So it would be the perfect thing to do through this rehab.

I missed some great end of summer and fall running, biking and mountain biking.  So that does suck.  There’s no way that I can word or phrase this so that it doesn’t suck.  However, there will more summers and falls full of running, trail running, hiking, road biking and mountain biking in my future as long as I properly rehab from this injury and then practice prevention.

I can’t run or bike a lot yet, but I can swim.  I have discovered that I don’t really like swimming.  It’s my least favourite of the three sports.  But I can do it.  And although I wouldn’t say I’m getting any better at it, I can at least do it.  I got in 3 swims this past week and that felt pretty good!

I can do yoga.  I am improving my yoga all the time which is good.  Again, something I’m not very good at, but I enjoy it.

I can do my stupid rehab exercises.  Ok, they are not stupid.  They are just so boring.  I usually do them while watching television.

I am getting better.  Even though this past week I had significant pain and swelling, it was still way less than a month ago and for that, I am grateful.  I’ve been walking my dog everyday and this makes her happy!

I was hoping to be running this weekend, but after the increase in pain and swelling this past week, I decided it was probably not the smartest idea.  I see my physiotherapist again on Wednesday, so we will get his two cents and it feels better today so maybe if it stays that way until then, we will do some running together.  I HOPE!

Finally, I am getting fat.  No, I am not exaggerating.  I’m up 10 lbs since my race.  I keep losing and gaining the same 3-4 pounds over and over again.  It’s because I am eating like crap.  No exaggeration.  I’m standing for a wedding in April and we are going to buy bridesmaid’s dresses this week… that may be the kick in the pants I need to stop fooling around and pay attention to my diet….  That and the fact that I’m going to florida in 11 days and most likely none of my shorts will fit me… except the ones with a stretchy band (ie running shorts)….  So for the next 11 days, I’m going to try and eat healthy throughout the day (skipping lunch often unintentionally has been part of the problem) and avoid the Halloween candy and then while on vacation I will try not to gain any weight…



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